

external drawing of a ship

interior drawing of a ship

More affectionately known as the Fugl (Pronounced FUHG-l, as in fugly), The Fugue, is the product of Maya's efforts to get off Rumreign. The core of the ship, its Jump Drive, was retrieved in a long expedition out into the debris fields to catch the freshly fallen ship core as it fell from space in a giant ball of fire. After its successful extraction, Maya payed for the construction of a new ship around it by essentially figureheading for Rumreign's independence war.


Maya browses a holographic screen while curled up upside down in her bunk

Maya was hardly tall by Rumreign's standards, but she was large, in a way that belied an origin on a planet at least a little more massive than Rumreign. Moreover, she carried herself with a certain guardedness which, when accompanied by a perpetual scowl, made it clear that any amount of whimsy was out of the question.